Showing 1–10 of 22 results

Unveiling the Real Impact: How Fair Trade Empowers Communities

By Shreya Algonda In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the choices we make as consumers are impactful far beyond the cash register. One such impactful choice is opting for fair trade products. Fair trade offers tangible benefits to people around the globe. Fair trade is often surrounded by misconceptions and it is more…

Why Do We Need Fairtrade?

By Rosie Gliatis In a world driven by the constant churn of trends, the allure of fast fashion can be hard to resist. It is usually cheap and on-trend, however, the environmental and ethical toll of this industry is undeniable. Fortunately, there is a growing movement toward ethical alternatives that champion sustainability, fair labor practices,…

Embracing Fair Trade for Ethical and Sustainable Business

By Rich Hofus In an ever changing world, the realm of entrepreneurship is making a change for the better. Valuing ethical practices, sustainability and fair treatment for workers. Fair trade entrepreneurship has become more than just a trending buzz word or phrase used to increase prices. It is reshaping the landscape of the business world…

Exploring Fair Trade Coffee Culture on Campus: Starbucks from Beans to Brews

By Arabelle Sunga No matter who you ask on campus, there is no doubt that they are familiar with the extremely long lines at the Starbucks in Dealy every day. Coffee has become an integral part of college student’s daily routine as it keeps them awake when they have jam-packed schedules. However, not many students…

Nespresso’s Commitment to Fair Trade

By Alice Chong n the fast-paced world of coffee consumption, Nespresso has emerged as a global leader, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation. However, beyond the rich aroma and exquisite taste, there lies a deeper story – one of social responsibility and ethical sourcing. Nespresso has been at the forefront of the fair…

Fairtrade 2022 Annual Report Discussion

By Abraham Kassin In the 2022 Annual Report, Fairtrade International presents a comprehensive view of their achievements and strategic initiatives aimed at fostering fairness in global trade. The primary focus discussed has been on ensuring equitable treatment for farmers and workers, emphasizing the need for living wages, decent work conditions, and addressing the pressing issue…

Empowering Small Businesses in South America: The Transformative Impact of Fair Trade

By Sebastian Fabrin Introduction South America, a continent known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and bountiful resources, has witnessed a profound transformation through the influence of the fair trade movement. Rooted in principles of equity, sustainability, and ethical trade practices, fair trade has become a powerful force in reshaping the region’s economies. In this…

What Fair Trade Can do for You… and Others

By Rakan Kasim Background Fair trade is a global economic and social movement that seeks to address the inequalities and injustices inherent in conventional trade practices. Born in the later 20th century, it aims to help workers from marginalized communities in developing countries. Fair trade gives better trading conditions to these workers and allows them…

The Importance of Fair Fashion

By Emily Stewart With the rise of fast fashion has also come the call for sustainability. It is well known that fast fashion is not only detrimental to the environment but also to production workers in the developing world. A main cause of this is free trade, which cannot ensure the safety of workers with…

Labor Exploitation in the Textiles Industry

By Vaasav Gupta Introduction Textiles, or fiber-based materials, are heavily involved in several industries such as clothing, furniture, and art. And while it has always been critical to the global economy, the textile industry is growings – it is expected to reach a market size of $1.42 trillion by 2030 1. Particularly in the clothing…