About Nyabigena Soapstone Carvers Cooperative: Kisii, a city in Western Kenya, is surrounded by soapstone quarries and is well known for both the quality of its soapstone and the skill of the carvers. Nyamarambe, a small village near Kisii, is the home of the 150-member Nyabigena Soapstone Carvers Cooperative. This cooperative is a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), committed to the highest level of ethical production and human rights. This civic-minded group has been providing work for its members while also giving back to its community. A source of great pride for the cooperative is the Nyabigena Mixed Day Academy, an elementary school that they opened in January 2007 that now educates 150 students from the proceeds of soapstone crafts. In addition, the organization offers management training workshops, educational opportunities for widows and orphans, and health and nutrition education. They plan to start a tree nursery and to expand their educational and HIV/AIDS programs.
Producer Rating: 3.50/5
2 Reviews
Gender: Coed
Producer Type: Group
Years in business: 21
Total Employees: 150
Contact Email: [email protected]
Phone: +254726347835
Website: https://nyabigena.wordpress.com/
More About Kenya
Region: Africa
Currency: Kenyan shilling